Pioneers & Leaders in Life Coach Training in India, since 2004.

Life Coach Training by BusinessUniv is one of the oldest and most respected trainings that has helped thousands of people become certified life coaches and establish great coaching practices.

Life Coaching is one of most sought after profession in the modern world. Life coaches help individuals and organisations to move towards desired goals by clearning obstacles and building a resourceful mindset.
This Life coach training is a multi aspect training based on ‘neuro linguistic programming’ and other world class coaching methodoligies.
Our Life Coach Training & Certification truly empowers you to become a Life Coach par excellence. This is achived by in-depth learning of concepts, participating in a lot of practical activities and demonstrations and regularly attending practice sessions.

BusinessUniv has been both a pioneer and a leading force in the arena of leadership & coach trainings.
Founded in 2004, BusinesUniv continues to deliver exceptional quality training and coaching services to corporates, individuals and organizations.
The Four Pillars of BusinessUniv has deep foundations in NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Life Coach Training Emotional Intelligence Training and Leadership Training